Monday, December 04, 2006

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


The One I Love
Let the sun shine bright with the morning light.
Let the Moonbeams dance on his head at night.
Let the rain fall gently from the sky above.
Let the world take care of the one I love.
Let the grass be soft on the path he takes.
Let him be right in every turn he makes.
Let him find guidance from the stars above.
Let the world take care of the one I love.
If his load is heavy make him strong
Give him endurance if his road is long
If he’s provoked, give him the patience of a dove.
Let the world Take care Of the one I love
Give him the courage every challenge to meet.
Give him the knowledge each task to complete.
Bring him home with God’s help from above,
Then I’ll take care of the one I Love.
I Am a Child
Speak softly to me, I am not deaf,
there is no need to shout.
Walk slowly with me; I am small
and easily tire out.
Be honest with me, I am just learning,
I believe everything I hear.
Don’t frighten me; it’s through you
that I will learn to fear.
I am a child, just beginning
I need you to show the way.
I will copy everything you do,
and remember all you say.
Believe in me, even when I’m wrong
and I’ll do the best I can.
Explain to me what I don’t know,
so I can understand.
Take the time to play with me,
and teach me how to share.
Show me love and tenderness
that I may learn to care.
I am a child, just beginning.
I need you to show the way.
What I’m learning now will determine
the kind of person I’ll be some day.

Some people are stones along the street, seldom noticed laying there. Occasionally one is picked up only to be dropped again. Stepped on, run over and kicked about until they are broken and crushed, then swept away into the gutter.
Some people are chunks of wood thrown carelessly into the sea. Tossed from wave to wave. Worn down with time. Then carried ashore on the tide, only to be swept back out again on the next ‘Till a stormy sea hurls it safely beyond the tides reach. Where it is picked up as driftwood and admired as a thing of beauty and usefulness.
Some people are trees on a windy hill. Constantly struggling just to survive. Growing up twisted and snarled, but strong and protecting smaller trees beneath their branches.
Some people are roses. Cared for and loved from the moment they begin to bloom, taken from their bushes, placed where they can be seen and appreciated by all. The moment their beauty begins to fade, they are cast away as trash.
Some people are great paintings, protected and appreciated. Held as an example of great accomplishment. Treasured for all time.
Then there are the feathers of the world. Growing up into a wonderfully complicated form, only to be plucked from their home and bound into a pillow with a multitude of other feathers. Appreciated, but only in their mass. Once in a while a feather will slip through the threads of it’s covering, dropping to the floor. There it may be found and looked at as an object of beauty, but more often thrown away as a piece of garbage.
On rare occasions a loose feather is picked up by the wind and allowed to fly free. Would that I could escape my bindings and catch the wind.

A Child At Play

A child at play is a wonderful thing,
sometimes a pauper, sometimes a King.
A knight in shining armor, a pilot flying high,
one minute a mighty lion, the next a butterfly.
There are no limits to what his mind can create.
A box becomes a house, a rock becomes a plate,
A blanket turns into a cave, a rope is now a snake.
A laundry basket is a boat, sailing in a puddle lake.
He can be anything that he wants to be, go any place that he wants to go.
He can do anything that he wants to do know anything that he wants to know.
A child at play is a wonderful thing,
sometimes a pauper, sometimes a king.
But right now he’s just a little boy tired from his play.
Sleep well, My Son, dream happy dreams. tomorrow’s a brand-new day.

The Failure

A Picasso I am not.
I can not sculpt a simple pot.
I can not dance or even sing.
I’m not much good at anything.
At bowling I’m no good at all.
My most common throw’s a gutter ball.
Once I tried the cooking scene,
but people choked on my cuisine.
Each time I try some new endeavors,
they turn out no better than the others.
But worst of all, as you can see
is my attempt at writing poetry.


Pretty little butterfly,
floating through the summer sky,
how nice your life must be.
Whiling way the hours,
Flittering through the flowers,
you seem so very free.And as I watch you fly
I give a little sigh,cause that's where I'd like to be.
Just whiling way the hours
Flitting through the flowers,
pretty littlebutterfly and me.

Our Love

Our love, didn’t blow in like a storm.
It crept in soft and warm.
My Love, you started just a friend .
Don’t know when our love began.
When I needed a helping hand
you knew just what to do.
I was sure you’d understand
and help me make it through.
You embraced me in your arms,
as friends often do.
Suddenly I realized
how much I loved you..
So, I told you of my love.
Not knowing what you’d do.
You gave me a gentle kiss
and said you loved me too.
When did we become more than friends?
When did we begin to care?
When did we first find our love,
or was it always there?

The Common Cold

I think I have, but I’m not sure,
a common cold that has no cure.
My chest it aches as I cough away.
My nose is running night and day.
My eyes they water. My ears they ring.
My throat’s so sore I can’t eat a thing.
A friend of mine said, “Might be the flu.”
So I ask my doctor what to do.
He looked. He listened. He poked. He prodded.
Then he stood up, said as he nodded,
“ I think you have, though I’m not sure,
a common cold that has no cure.”

Waiting Again

Waiting again, waiting for you
seems like that’s all I ever do.
Waiting again, just like before.
Sitting and waiting for your knock on the door
Watching the phone, hoping you’ll call,
but I don’t hear from you at all.
Waiting again, what else can I do?
Darling, I’ll always love you.


A ball of fur, not much more,
a kitten playing on the kitchen floor.
Now she’s running through the house,
playing with a rubber mouse.
For now she’s content just to play,
but she’ll be a mother cat someday


Tiny little buttercup
shining in the sun.
Close your eyes and bow your head
when the day is done.

The Wonder of You

I never knew the sun could shine so.
I never knew the sky so blue.
I never knew the wonder of nature,
‘till I knew the wonder of you.
You are the sun in my morning.
You are the stars of my night
and when clouds fill up my world,
You come and make all things bright.

Recipe of Life

A beautiful sunset shining bright,
a cloudless day, a star filled night
a full moon glowing in the heavens above,
a man, a woman, two hearts filled with love.
Mix gently ‘till they become man and wife.
This is my recipe for a happy life.

Majestic Mountain

Majestic mountain standing high,
in the hazy Autumn sky.
It’s beauty muted, it’s color faint,
as if created by water paint.

Bluebirds and Butterflies

Bluebirds and Butterflies
sailing through summer skies,
over the countryside,
far down below.
Just like the butterfly,
you make my spirit fly,
when you’re here by my side,
I love you so.

Forever and a Day

I travel a road that is long,
still my heart overflows with a song.
Love conquers all, so they say,
and I’ll love you forever and a day.
Our house isn’t much but it’s home,
and no matter how far away I roam,
I’ll always return there to stay,
and I’ll love you forever and a day.
When two hearts finally meet,
alone one could never be complete.
Nothing will ever get in the way
of my loving you forever and a day.


Beautiful Washington with your mountains standing high,
dividing the green lands of the coast from the east lands hot and dry.
Your lakes and streams filled with fish, your meadows filled with deer,
and the pretty wild flowers that come up in the spring of every year.
Your Sound with its many harbors, keeping boats safe through the night
and when the sun sets on Mt. Rainier, it’s a most majestic sight.
I’ve lived in many places, visit others when I roam,
but I always return to Washington, my beautiful Northwest home.

The Chess Game

The world’s a mighty chess board
with chess men everywhere.
We’re moved from place to place
without a thought or care
If one of us should leave the earth
it would not mean a thing.
Our only purpose in being here
is the glory of the King.
When the game is over,
when life on earth is at an end,
will someone pick up all the pieces,
and start the game again.

Budding Trees

Budding trees.
Soft warm breeze.
Weeds are growing.
Grass needs mowing.
Birds on telephone wires sing.
It’s Spring


Firefly, Firefly
lighting up the dark night sky,
take a message to the one I adore
Tell him I‘m all alone
and I want him for my own.
Firefly, please help me, I implore.
Firefly, firefly
I’ll be awaiting his reply.
Go tell him exactly how I feel.
Maybe then he will see
he’s the only one for me,
and that my love for him is truly real.
Firefly, firefly
it’s on you, I will rely.
I just can’t do it on my own.
If he hears you and agrees
will you tell him please,
that I’ll be waiting by my telephone.

Hoppy Frog

Funny little hoppy frog,
sitting on a hollow log,
or climbing in a tree.
Spending all your day
with nothing to do but play,
or go swimming in the sea.
As I watch you play
to myself I say,
”That’s the life for me.”
Spending all my day
with nothing to do but play.
Funny little hoppy frog and me.


I am the Id and the Ego.
I am the pulse of life. One heart
beating throughout the Universe.
I pass through all space, sending
the stars on their appointed rounds,
and spinning the planets.
I am the dawn of the day,
the twilight of the night,
I am the falling snow and
The warm summer sun.
I am the memory of man’s past.
I am his waking and his sleeping.
I am the dreams of his future
not yet fulfilled.
Nothing existed before me.
I have always been, and
will be after all else has ended.
For I am time.

Come Lovin’ Time Again

When morning comes, will you be by my side
or will you leave in the middle of the night?
Is this to be another one night stand
or will you still be here come lovin’ time again?
You’ve been with a lot of girls before.
Am I to be just another in your score?
Will I be left like all the rest have been,
or will you still be here come lovin’ time again?
I know you lead a wild kind of life.
Ain’t asking you to take me for your wife.
Just be a special kind of friend,
and stay with me come lovin’ time again

Little Bit of Loving

A little bit of loving goes a long, long way,
if you get it in the morning it helps to make it through the day.
Get it in the evening and sleep peacefully through the night.
A little bit of loving makes the world seem right.
A little bit of loving is all it takes
to make you forgive her when she makes mistakes.
If you come home from work tired and worried every night,
a little bit of loving makes the world seem right.
If you haven’t got a lover, what do you do?
Sit at home alone at night, feeling blue.
So find yourself a woman and hold her tight,
‘Cause a little bit of loving makes the world seem right,

Road To Nowhere

You’re not much more than a child
growing up free and wild.
Traveling on without a care,
down a road that leads nowhere.
Your mother taught you right from wrong,
but you listen to a different song.
Taking from life what you can.
Taking love from any man.
Spending your days out of your mind,
on any drugs that you can find.
Traveling on, without a care,
down a road that leads nowhere.

A Trip To The Dentist

I had a bad toothache just the other day.
Telephoned my dentist, he said, “Come in right away.”
You could see where the cavity was but he x-rayed anyway.
Well, I guess that’s one more bill I’ll have to pay.
He filled my gums with Novocain, a shot here and one in there.
Then walked off and left me sitting in the chair
He drilled and poked and scraped so long I thought my jaw was broke,
and shoved something in my mouth, so far, that I began to choke.
When he was all finished, he ask “Are you feeling any pain?”
How the hell should I know, I’m still numb from Novocain.


When I was only four, I knew just what I’d do.
I’d be an animal doctor and work in a zoo.
Then when I was ten, I decided that I would be
a mighty lumberjack and cut down a giant tree.
By the time I was thirteen, I was old enough to know,
I’d be a movie star with my own television show.
As I started high school, with adulthood in my reach,
I decided to go to college where I’d learn to teach.
Now that graduation time is here, and life’s goal I must pursue,
I suddenly have no idea what I want to do.


Bowl for fun and relaxation the advertisers say.
They’re not the ones doing the bowling here today.
The last regular game of the season. We’re one game out of first.
My nerves are completely shot and my bowling’s getting worse.
My team mates cheer me on as I get up to throw.
When the pins stop falling, I’ve got my third split in a row.
Then I finally throw my last ball, relieved the games are done.
Surprised, I hear my team mates yell, “We won, we won. We won!”
Bowl for fun and relaxation. Boy, that’s a laugh,
and we still have next week’s playoff with the winners of the first half.


Go to the kitchen and get out a pot.
Look into the refrigerator see what leftovers you’ve got.
Some peas and carrots, some gravy and meat,
all of the things that your kids wouldn’t eat.
Add some potatoes, and onions, and some celery will do.
Then give it a name like Mulligan Stew.
Bake some biscuits on top, that makes it much better,
Now, foods your kids wouldn’t eat separately they eat mixed together.
What is left when they finish in the trash will be found,
because leftovers become garbage the second time ’round.

More than a Lover

I love the man I married, and that’s the way it should be,
but the man I married is more than just a lover to me.
He’s a counselor when I need someone to tell my troubles to.
always knowing what to say and exactly what to do.
He’s a child and a playmate when I just want to goof around,
When he makes me laugh he’s my favorite clown.
He’s my protector and my teacher, all my needs he will provide.
When I want someone near, He’s always by my side.
He’s the one person , on whom, I know I can depend.
The man I married is more than a lover, he’s also my best friend.


Love is nothing more than caring
for the one who’s friendship you are sharing.
Friendship is the caring less
about the faults your friends possess.

Past The Twilight

Past the twilight of the day,
when the stars are shining bright,
the children tired from their play,
are sleeping soundly through the night.
Everything is done that needed doing,
all the chores of every day life.
Now is the time for pursuing
the pleasures belonging to man and wife.

Time For You to Go

It’s time for you to go away,
now we have to part,
But as you go, you’ll also stay,
I’ll keep you in my heart.

Love Is

Love is a breath of spring on a winters night.
Love is a baby bird making its first flight.
Love is a fragrant flower growing beside the stream.
Love is my thoughts of you when at night I dream.

Robins and Dragonflies

Robins and Dragonflies
flying in the summer skies
are so beautiful to see.
Dewdrops and summer showers
waking up the little flowers
are as pretty as can be.
When we’re together,
No matter what the weather,
you set my heart free,
as Robins flying high
and rain clouds passing by,
you’re everything to me.



Between the setting sun
and the coming day,
is a time for dreamers
in beds where they lay.
They dream of many things,
of earth and space above.
but mostly when dreamers dream,
they dream their dreams of love.


Happiness is something,
that love and friendship
alone can bring.

Two Of Us

Two of us now are one
love has joined together.
One of us would be none
if we were without the other

There Is Love

From tiny little seeds the giant redwoods grow.
This is the way it is, because God made it so.
A small lion cub sitting by his mothers side,
may some day become the leader of a pride
On a mountain top falls a flake of snow.
It melts and makes its way to the ocean far below
From the huge bull elephant to the gentle little dove,
in all of God’s creations there is love.

My Song

The sky is bright and sunny only one cloud can I see,
but that little cloud keeps raining down on me.
Ever since you left me everything’s gone wrong,
so I sit here all alone trying to write this song,
to tell you that I’m sorry for causing us to fight.
If you’ll give me another chance, I’ll try to do things right.
Please let me hold you in my arms once more.
We can make it better than it’s ever been before.
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t sleep last night.
I just kept thinking of you, and hoping you’re alright.
If you should ever hear my song, listen to my plea.
Darling, I still love you please, come home to me.

It’s Spring

The sun was shining.
The sky was blue.
The bees were buzzing,
and the flowers grew.
The birds flew high,
to tell everybody,
both you and I,
It’s Spring.
The snow was melting
from the mountain top.
All the little bunnies
did the bunny hop,
and all around
the green grass grew,
for by this time everybody knew,
It’s Spring.
The streams got fuller.
The fish began to bite.
The days got longer,
and it stayed warm at night.
The children played outside all day.
The look on their faces seemed to say,
It’s Spring.


Journey of the Raindrops

From a storm cloud rain is falling, it lands upon the mountain top.
Starting the journey to the seashore, slowly moves each tiny drop.
Moving faster, with each moment, faster, faster, faster still.
gathering together, one to another, as they move on down the hill.
Through the rocks and trees they trickle. Over the grassy fields they go.
Down, down, down the mountain, toward the valley far below.
Joining one brook, then another, each one bigger than before,
soon becomes a raging stream, as into the deep ravine they roar.
Comes to the edge of the mountain, ending in a sheer rock wall.
Plunges downward to the bottom it’s now a beautiful waterfall.
Racing on through the valley, with its fields of green and brown.
Continuing its endless travels passed a sleepy little town.
Now the stream becomes a river, meeting others streams along the way.
Slowly the wide river wanders past the city, cold and gray.
Moving slower, ever slower. Will the journey never end?
But alas, it’s almost over the ocean’s just around the bend.
Yet, as the tiny water droplets make their way out from the shore,
the warm sunshine lifts them up, and turns them into clouds once more.

Child Of Sorrow

Child of sorrow. child of despair,
your mom don’t know how to love you,
and your father doesn’t care.
Living in a world that you don’t understand.
How can they expect you to grow to be a man?
They always tell you what to do,
but will not tell you why.
They criticize you when you’re wrong,
‘till you quit and just don’t try,
and even when you try your best,
no one will lend a hand.
Still they all expect you to grow to be a man.

Judgment Day

Little one, little one,
where are you going?
What did you see today?
“I’ve seen the face of God
in all that I survey.”
Little one, little one,
what did he tell you?
What did he have to say?
He said that I’d be with him
on the Judgment Day.
Little one, little one,
of what do you worry?
Why should you have a care?
I worry about when I get to heaven,
will you be there.

Sleepy Head

The alarm clock rings in the half light of dawn,
and you wonder where the night has gone.
You think the thing you’d like to say.
Why don’t you shut up and go away.
You know you have to get out of bed,
but you pull the blanket up over your head.
Five more minutes, I’ll sleep just five minutes more.
But now your daughter’s pounding on your door.
Now what you think is just what you say.
“Why don’t you shut up and go away.”
She doesn’t, and you can’t sleep through the debate.
Besides it’s now getting quite late.
So you pull back the covers and climb out of bed,
because the world won’t wait for a “Sleepy Head”.


Nothing fancy planned for me.
None of the usual revelry.
Have I been away so long
that our friendship now is gone?
When we meet on the street by chance,
they walk on by without a glance.
It’s hard to believe, but could it be,
that my friends just don’t remember me?


There’s a story going ‘round
of a man who could not frown.
He wore a smile from dawn to dark
happy as a meadowlark.
The people that he was around
also found it hard to frown.
and as he went to different places,
he left behind him smiling faces.
Each smile he left behind
picked up others of its kind.
It only took a little while
‘till everyone began to smile.
It’s just a story, that is true.
but wouldn’t it be nice to do.
Try it for a little while,
see how many you make smile.

Someone To Blame

I’m an expert at inefficiency,
although I call it eccentricity.
I meet each given situation with
a simple act of procrastination.
Avoiding work with an aching back,
the sign of a true hypochondriac.
Should things get beyond control,
I go into a psychiatric role.
Sitting down to relax,
I carefully study all the facts.
Deciding the reason I’m no good
was do to an unhappy childhood.
Anyone can play the game,
you simply find someone else to blame.

The Old Clock Tower

The old clock tower standing high
against the clear blue of the sky.
On each hour the time it tells,
with the ringing of its bells.
In the city down below
the people hurry to and fro.
Giving little thought or care
to the tower standing there.
But at night when you’re alone
you listen for the mellow tone,
of the bells as they chime,
telling you there still is time.


I have seen the rising sun.
Watched as it crossed the sky.
Giving life to growing plants
and calling birds to fly.
I’ve seen it chase the fog away.
Dry the morning dew,
and beat against a cloudy sky
till its rays came shining through.
It casts a giant shadow
as it shines on a tiny tree,
and dances on the water
as happy as can be.
But, when the sun is setting,
that’s the time that I like best.
It turns the sky a brilliant pink
as it sets the day to rest.

Only Child

He came into the world small and bare,
without any teeth, and almost no hair,
but it wasn’t even noticed by his mother or dad,
because he was the only child they ever had.
He grew up quickly and began to creep,
and climb out of bed when he was suppose to sleep.
He learned to walk and then to run.
He learned that playing games was fun.
When he went to school the very first day,
he met other children with whom he could play.
He began caring for others besides Mother and Dad,
but he was the only child they ever had.
He grew up from a boy to a man,
and for his future he’d made a plan.
He’d set into motion the goals for his life.
He’d ask his girl to be his wife.
She bore him four children and it wasn’t long,
before they were growing up tall and strong,
while his parents were growing old and weak.
Then his father called and asked to speak.
“We need your help.” his dad said on the phone.
“We just can’t make it on our own.”
“You’ll have to ask some one else.” he said to his dad.
But he was the only child they ever had.

A Pile Of Leaves

The fall winds blow strong in the night
Sending the leaves from the trees into flight.
Covering the lawns with golds and reds
Landing on rooftops and in flowerbeds.
The wind it blows, and then is gone,
with the coming of the dawn.
Someone will come out in a while
to rake the leaves neatly into a pile.
In the pile they will stay,
until the children come out to play.
Then joyfully they run and leap
into the nicely stacked up heap.
Scattering it with little care
for all the work to put it there.
Over the lawn and flower beds,
over the other children’s heads.
Small children at play, once they begin,
can often outdo the mighty wind.


Cold Winter Morning

It was a cold winter morning,
when I woke from a dream filled night.
and gazed out through my window,
at a world dressed in snowy white.
I watched as the cars in the road
slipped from side to side.
Their drivers trying with little success
to master nature’s slide.
The children all came out to play
wearing their winter clothes.
Jumping and sliding down the hills
‘till their fingers were almost froze.
They rolled the snow into great balls
as they put a snowman together.
When the snowman was complete
they threw snowballs at each other.
As the sun progressed across the sky,
with it came the rain,
driving the snow from the rooftops
and from the window panes.
Turing the snow in the road to slush
allowing the cars to pass.
Knocking it off the branches of trees
and washing it from the grass.
By the time night had come,
all the snow had left the land,
with the exception of one pile of white.
The remains of a melting snowman.

Time Gone By

Beneath the tall trees a wild flower grows.
The green meadow grass feels soft between my toes.
As I wander through the trees, past the alpine lake and stream.
I watch a chipmunk running by, and I begin to dream.
I dream of a time gone by, before civilization came to be.
There were no roads or buildings and animals roamed free.
Then, man killed only when hungry, using skins to make his clothes.
He could travel on anytime, anywhere he chose.
Then I think of you at home waiting for my call.
I guess living in this civilized world doesn’t seem bad at all

October Night

It was late at night and all was still,
when the rain began beating on the window sill.
The wind blew through the trees so strong,
that they began singing a mournful song.
The roof and the walls began to creek
as though the house was trying to speak.
I checked on the children asleep in their beds,
with the covers pulled tightly up over their heads.
For this is October’s Thirty-first day,
when the ghosts and goblins come out to play.
I went into my room and locked the door tight,
settling myself to sleep through the night.
Though I’m quite sure that there’s nothing to fear,
I’m still glad Halloween comes just one night a year.


A friend and I went mountain climbing about a week gone past.
We started out not knowing how long our climb might last.
The clouds started rolling in so thick we could not see.
I soon began to realize, my friend was not with me.
I looked for him for hours. Couldn’t find him anywhere.
It had already gotten dark, when I gave up in despair.
I slept until just past dawn then got up and looked around.
I walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down to the ground.
What I saw that morning brought my fears to an end.
Fifty feet below me was my car, and beside it was my friend

In The Quiet Of The House

In the quiet of the house,
when everyone else is asleep for the night,
it’s then you hear the Song Of Silence.
A dripping faucet not turned off tight,
A heater clicking as it warms.
A freezer humming as it gets cold.
The creaking of the window shutters
whose wood is starting to get old.
The chewing of the cat who has
come out for a late night snack,
or scratching at a flee
that has landed on her back.
You know these sounds were with you
as you went about your day,
but the Song of Silence can’t compete
with T.V., stereo, and children as they play.

Ain’t Comin’ Back

I just can’t go on as we did before
knowing it’s someone else you adore.
You say it’s not true, but I know it’s a fact,
so I’m going away, and I ain’t comin’ back.
I’ll find a new love somewhere out there.
He’ll be a true love, someone who’ll care.
I’ll be on that train as it goes down the track.
I’m going away and I ain’t comin’ back.

Dream On

Dream on young man, look to the sky.
Once man dreamt that he could fly.
Someone thought of sailing beneath the sea,
and the submarine came to be.
Travel through time and space in your mind.
Tell tales of the wonders that you find.
Dream on young man and when you do,
remember all the dreams that have come true.


Listen to the quiet voice
of the wind through a tree.
It tells of things long forgot,
and of things yet to be

The Brotherhood of Man

We are black . We are white. We are male and female.
We strive to succeed, even though we sometimes fail.
We get help from each other and give it when we can,
and share in the joys of the Brotherhood of Man.
We are weak, we are strong, We are ignorant and smart,
but we all share a common dream within our heart.
Bringing health and prosperity to the people of every land,
and peace to the world for the Brotherhood of Man

Gambling Fever

Gambling Fever, Gambling Fever,
Lady luck you can’t deceive her.
For the moment you’re in clover,
but she’ll get you before it’s over.
Off to Vegas or to Reno,
any place with a casino.
Bet a nickel, bet a dollar.
Find the nearest bingo parlor.
Bet a car race. bet on horses.
Doesn’t matter what the coarse is.
A boxing match, a football game,
bet any sport that you can name.
For the moment you’re in clover,
but she’ll get you before it’s over.
Lady Luck you can’t deceive her.
Gambling Fever, Gambling Fever.


I eat, I breathe, I have reproduced, therefore I am alive.
But am I really living, or do I just survive.
What do I have to offer to my fellow man?
Where do I fit into the worlds great plan?
How many would even notice if I were no longer there?
Of those who noticed, how many would really care?
Yet, I eat, I breath, I have reproduced, and I continue to survive.
That’s a good enough reason for me to be alive.

We Walked In Silence

We walked in silence,
not for lack of things to say,
but for lack of ways to say it.
The words that so easily flowed
between us, the rest of the time
would not come.
We traveled along
like two strangers
heading in the same direction.
The hurt and resentment,
that we were now feeling,
grew deeper inside us.
We walked in silence,
afraid the anger, once unleashed,
could not be taken back.

It’s Not Easy Being One

It’s not easy being one,
wet diapers are no fun,
but that bottle of milk
sure tastes good.
It’s not easy being two,
always being told what to do,
but it’s nice to be praised
for doing what you should.
It’s not easy being three,
when you fall and skin your knee,
while playing with
the little boy next door.
It’s not easy being small
when everyone else is tall,
but someday you won’t
be little anymore.
Stay little while you can,
for soon you’ll be a woman,
and look back on when
you were small.
It’s then that you will see
that the ages from one to three,
were the easiest
years of them all.

Upon the Water

I lay upon the water,
Completely without a care.
No one there bothers me,
Because no one is there.
I hear the distant voices
Of the people on the shore
And the honking of the geese
As above my head they soar.
I can feel the warmth of the summer sun
As it is beating down,
And the wake of a far off boat
Gently rocks my raft around.
I am at peace with myself.
I love life for its own sake.
I thank God for just being
And for being on this lake.

Baby Bird’s First Flight

Mother Bird said to Baby Bird, “It’s time to learn to fly.” Baby Bird looked down at the ground. Then up into the great big sky. “I can’t,” he said “I might fall, and we are up so high.” He shook all over, because he was scared, and he began to cry. “Don’t cry,” said his mother “it can wait until another day.” So he sat, all alone on the side of his nest, and watched the other birds at play. There were baby robins and baby bluebirds, and baby finches and baby crows, and even a baby duck with webs between his toes. They soared through the sky without making a sound, to the tops of the trees to the cold hard ground. “Come fly with us.” they called, to baby bird, as they past, but Baby Bird just sat there, still afraid to try. Then Baby Bird saw a butterfly sailing in the air. It looked so beautiful as it floated there. Baby Bird said to the butterfly, “You hardly move your wings at all. What is it that makes it So you don’t fall?” “God made special wings for me so that I could fly. He made special ones for you too. if you will only try.” Baby Bird thought and thought, then said,” I’ll try my best”, and he slowly climbed up on the edge of his nest. He lowered his head and closed his eyes tight, then filled his mind with thoughts of the other birds in flight. Then without opening his eyes to take a look around, he jumped from his nest down toward the ground. He flapped his arms up and down, up and down, then he opened his eyes and he looked all around. “I’m flying. I’m flying.” He shouted with glee, and the butterfly called, “Come fly with me.” So Baby Bird and the butterfly went flying through the sky. They flew down low and they flew up high. They soared through the sky without making a sound, to the top of the trees, to the cold hard ground. Then Baby Bird said, to the butterfly, when it was time to say good-bye, “I can do almost anything I want to do, if only I just try.”

Barney Beaver Helps Build The Dam

The Spring rains came melting the Winter snow, Making the stream and river banks overflow. The water came hard and fast the day, causing the beaver’s dam to float away. “Come,” called Father Beaver “we must rebuild today, Or we will have no home in which we can stay.” There was Father Beaver and Mother, Sister Sue and Brother Paul, and Barney Beaver, he was the littlest beaver of them all. Father and Mother Beaver began gnawing the trees down. Brother Paul and Sister Sue started dragging them across the ground. Barney Beaver yelled out “I want to help, too. There must be something that a little beaver can do.” But Father Beaver said “you’ll just be in the way. Go and find yourself somewhere else to play.” Barney Beaver walked away telling them all good-by, Saying to him, “I could help if they would let me try.” So while Mother and Father and Sister Sue and Brother Paul continued to gnaw down the trees, and to trim and to haul. Barney Beaver went up stream to be out of the way, But he still wanted to help instead of to play. Sitting down, he fell asleep, and he dreamt of gnawing down a tree, and building a great dam as strong as it could be. When he awoke from his nap, he looked all around. He looked up at all of the trees that he found. He saw trees that were little and trees that were tall. He decided he would start on the smallest tree of all. He gnawed and he gnawed on the tree he had found, Until it suddenly cracked and fell to the ground. He trimmed it and started dragging it down to the stream, Just as he had done to the tree in his dream. While down stream the other beavers weren’t having much fun. “We need just one more small tree.” Father said, “and the dam will be done.” But Father was tired and Mother was tired. So were Brother Paul and Sister Sue. Sitting down and resting was all that they wanted to do. Then saddening coming from up stream, what did they see, Barney Beaver was floating towards them on his little tree. “Thank-you Barney,” his father said, “thank you for your tree.” He put it into place and finished the dam a strong as it could be


The Littlest Puppy

The mother dog, had four puppies that were boys and two that were girls, a total of six in all. Some were bigger than others, but one was very small. They ate, and they ate, and they grew, and they grew, bigger every day. The littlest puppy didn’t eat as much, and he grew in a much slower way. When the puppies reached the age of six weeks old, They were taken to the pet store, where they would be sold. They were all put into a big cage together, they huddled into a pile, and slept against each other. The next morning the owner came to open up the store. He fed all the animals, and then he unlocked the door. In came the people, men and women, girls and boys. Looking for pets, and pet food, and pet toys. They looked at the puppies, four boys and two girls. Most had straight hair, one’s hair was in curls. A man bought the biggest puppy, the one who‘s hair was brown. A lady took a girl puppy that jumped and danced around. When anyone saw the littlest puppy they laughed at him because, of how tiny and funny looking he was. So the littlest puppy hid in the corner, not wishing to be seen. He thought,” I don’t want a home anyway, people are so mean.” Then just as the store was about to close, Through the door came a boy in a wheel chair. He looked at all the dogs and cats that were in there. His mother told the saleslady “ my son is weak and small. He must have a gentle pet, one that wouldn’t hurt him at all. .Just then the boy called out,” Mother hurry, come here and see.” He pointed at the littlest puppy and said, “I want him, he’s little just like me.” They brought him home, and because he was so gently, the boy named him Dove. Dove lived out his life, with his special friend, in a home that filled with love.